Nehemiah Action Assembly

April 8, 2025, 7-8:30 pm
Knoxville Civic Auditorium

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Annual Assembly brings Knoxville Congregations Together around Justice

Justice Knox Annual Assembly

November 14, 2016 

The 2016 Annual Assembly, held on November 14th, 2016, was joined by 14 member congregations, forming Justice Knox.

Now, a year later, more than 20 congregations, including Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational Christian, United Church of Christ and Jewish are participating at some level.

By the 2017 Justice Knox Annual Assembly, 18 member congregations will be in attendence. People from other traditions, including members of AME Zion churches, Muslims, Buddhists, Quakers, and Unitarian Universalists, also participated in our first Nehemiah Action Assembly.

Justice Knox continues to recruit member congregations and invites all congregations and organizations who want to “do justice” to join.

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