April 15, 2018 Justice Knox Co-President, Rev. Meredith Loftis, welcomes Westminster Presbyterian Church and the Muslim Community of Knoxville in a Covenant Ceremony at the 2o18 Justice Knox Rally.
Justice Knox Welcomes New Congregations

April 15, 2018 Justice Knox Co-President, Rev. Meredith Loftis, welcomes Westminster Presbyterian Church and the Muslim Community of Knoxville in a Covenant Ceremony at the 2o18 Justice Knox Rally.
April 15, 2018 On April 9 at the Justice Knox Rally, Justice Knox members applauded Chief Rausch and Sheriff Jones with a standing ovation for their follow through in training all officers to deal appropriately with people with mental illness. Members also welcomed new congregations with a standing ovation.
October 22, 2017 House meetings are integral to our information gathering, or LISTENING, period. Through house meetings, we ask people “what keeps you up at night” and “what community problems make you angry,” and we invite people to live out the biblical mandate to “do justice” by joining us in our work. With results from… Continue reading House Meetings Increase Community Participation in Justice Knox
September 19, 2017 After our first research process, we successfully gathered 1,236 people at Central United Methodist Church for Justice Knox’ first Nehemiah Action Assembly on April 24, 2016, to press for justice in our city. In our mental health campaign, with this Assembly gathered, Justice Knox leaders secured commitments from Police Chief Rausch and… Continue reading A Successful Inaugural Nehemiah Action Assembly
August 11, 2017 Fair suspension policies in public schools: Charleston, SC school superintendent implemented Positive Behavior Intervention Systems in 10 schools and Restorative Justice in 5 schools, reducing suspension rates; Affordable housing: City of Lexington, KY committed $2 million annually to an affordable housing trust fund to build and renovate low-income housing; Diversion of mentally… Continue reading Across the Country, Justice Ministry Organizations Win
November 14, 2016 The 2016 Annual Assembly, held on November 14th, 2016, was joined by 14 member congregations, forming Justice Knox. Now, a year later, more than 20 congregations, including Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational Christian, United Church of Christ and Jewish are participating at some level. By the 2017 Justice Knox… Continue reading Annual Assembly brings Knoxville Congregations Together around Justice